How Software Can Help Grow Your Cannabis Dispensary


If you aim at opening a marijuana dispensary that is licensed you have to show skills that you are capable of scaling your business and have a plan for growing it. And if you already own a business, you have to input tools to support your business as it expands to other locations. The most effective way of growing your dispensary is by putting in place cannabis seed to sale software designed specifically for this industry.

Functions Of  Cannabis Technology In Scaling Your Business Growth

Holding inventories in many stores on time

The appropriate software’s will enable to track levels of inventories in all your dispensary located anywhere and enables updating to be done in time. This will allow your employees to know what type of product is available and the ones that are out of stock and which product to give customers according to their desires hence there will not be any misled and avoid embarrassing incidents.
Also, multiple store inventory supporting enables easy reporting and auditing that saves time and funds.

Enable cross-store reports capable

With the ability to manage and evaluate all the store’s locations’ inventory wants, time is saved, and errors in order are reduced greatly. The cross-store reporting’s enables comparisons and evaluations of work efficiencies across all the dispensaries locations and discovering and capitalization on store specific trending.

Chances of frauds and thefts are reduced

As the dispensary continues to grow the more the chances of inside thefts and products disappearance continue to grow. With the appropriate retail software security measures, reinforcements can be put in place to govern the business. These security measures include controlling organization data access and installing specific permits and information access for your team of leaders and managers.

Digital advertisements

With the right software, the visibility of your products is increased by adding your dispensary to a popular third listing party. Many people will be able to purchase the products efficiently by either deciding to pick or order delivery services. With the use of this software’s, a dynamic service is offered to your customers which is not quickly forgotten which influences other customers. The software’s also contains additional tools like the entertaining videos that will help boost the business sales leading to the growth of the business.

Fast and convenient sales

Online shopping has been dramatically useful in the modern market, and many people are up to taking it. With a software installation sales will be huge as orders will be placed, the status of each rule is detected, and delivery is made which is fast, efficient and reliable.


Every dispensary will benefit significantly from software installation of the digital technology. This dramatically saves time and the customer’s satisfaction globally. With the software’s in place the business can grow broadly as their products are visible to the outside world, offer excellent services to the customers, chances of frauds and thefts are reduced, an update on the existing products across the inventory locations can be made and make work easier by saving on time during sells.

How to Promote your Marijuana Dispensary Online 

Promoting your Marijuana Dispensary Online in the midst of all the strict laws is an issue for every other dispensary. Regardless of your business success in case of Marijuana, you will need to find out ways to promote the Marijuana Dispensary on an online basis. Millions of people are looking for a “pot shop near me“. With the help of an online presence, you can gain much more traffic and can grow your business to magnificent heights of success and glory.

To add on the spark to the existing topic, given below are the ways by which you can promote your Marijuana Dispensary in the Online World:

Ways to Promote your Marijuana Dispensary Online

Use of the Mass SMS Messaging for Marketing

With the help of a Mass SMS Messaging, you can text the same message to a larger bunch of audience simultaneously. This technique is used by plenty of the online business to expand their presence in the global market.

In order to use this type of service, you will have to subscribe to a group of SMS Texting Service. Then, that service will provide you with some essential keywords which will help in building your own database for customers.

Once, you are done with all the above process, you will need to Log into the platform, set up your database, compose your message and send it to your potential customers.

Marketing a Recreational Marijuana Dispensary

By Marketing a Recreational Marijuana Dispensary, you can be free from Commoditization issues. Whenever commoditization happens, users don’t go for a certain product, rather they chose the cheapest one from the lot. This can be a great setback to the dispensary owner as it will reduce the overall profit criteria.

You can avoid the issue of commoditization by inducing brands awareness to all your potential customers. Hence, you can promote your Marijuana Dispensary online at a greater level and can still publicize about your brand using the Text SMS service.

How to Market Marijuana Dispensary in an Easy Way?

If you are searching for an easy way, Mass SMS Messaging is, without doubt, an easy way to market your Marijuana Dispensary. It is effective and there is no need for additional technical skill to write an SMS Text Message. With a Mass SMS Service, people will need to hear the sound of their cell’s notification, see the SMS and just read it, as simple as that.

Final Words

Promoting your Marijuana Dispensary Online is not so difficult task as it may seem. You just need a great marketing strategy, a good sense of belief and a will to achieve the impossible in this extremely competitive world.


The Fight for Access to Medical Cannabis is Far From Over

The Fight for Access to Medical Cannabis is Far From Over

Despite all the lobbying medical cannabis is still illegal at the federal level.  There is major support across all demographics including military veterans for the legalization of medical marijuana.  However despite the wave of support the Republican controlled congress still wants to keep medical marijuana illegal. Quick Stop is a Eugene dispensary who actively supports the legalization of marijuana after witnessing the positive impact cannabis has had on many of their clients overall well being and quality of life.

Cutting Funding

In July the Republican House Rules Committee wouldn’t permit the “Veterans Equal Access” amendment from being including in the funding for Veterans Affairs.  This amendment would have seen funding for medical marijuana for vets in states where it had already been legalized.  There are thousands of vets who use medical marijuana to treat a variety of conditions, everything from PTSD to treatment of chronic pain from combat injuries.

Jeff Sessions

Many of the supporters of the bill believe that it was quashed in order to appease Attorney General Jeff Sessions.  The Attorney General has been very vocal in his opposition to legalization and marijuana use.  Jeff Sessions even tried to get congressional permission to use federal funding to go after medical marijuana, even in states where it had already been legalized.

Schedule 1

Despite the fact that there is widespread support for legalization both in a medical and recreational capacity and the success of the states who have implemented legal marijuana it is still a Schedule 1 drug.  Even the largest veteran’s organization The American Legion is calling for marijuana to remove marijuana from the Schedule 1 list and acknowledge the potential medical value in treating veterans and others.

At this time the Veterans Affairs forbids doctors from telling patients that marijuana may be an option to treat their conditions.  The failed amendment would have changed that and allowed doctors who treat veterans to recommend marijuana in states where medical marijuana is permitted.  With the overwhelming amount of PTSD cases among veterans and the mounting evidence that marijuana can help has earned support from veteran’s across the country.  Here is one vet’s story.

Despite this set back from the House Rules Committee the fight for access to medical cannabis is far from over.  With widespread support for the legalization of medical marijuana it is only a matter of time before the law changes like we have seen in more than 20 states.  How long can Congress hold up against the will of the public.  We must continue to advocate and contact members of Congress and the House to show your support for the legalization of medical cannabis.

Which States are Next to Legalize Recreational Marijuana

Which States are Next to Legalize Recreational Marijuana

Recreational marijuana usage is already legalized in Alaska, California, Colorado, Maine, Massachusetts, Nevada, Oregon and Washington. Questionnaire results say that almost 90% of American citizens support medical marijuana usage, but percentage of citizens who support legalization is lower and it is around 60. It’s also important to say that the percentage of respondents who support medical marijuana is bigger. Will some more states get green light for recreational marijuana legalization soon? Is Donald Trump’s administrations attitude to crack down on marijuana sale help or obstacle for states which take action for legalization?

Potentially, there are 22 states in which are actions that support legal marijuana usage. In most countries advocates are fighting battles to implement this idea into reality. Many reforms are already made, but there’s still much work to do in the fight for legalization.


There are some rumors that Delaware could be next one country which will get appropriate law. Also known as the First State, Delaware could become ninth state where recreational marijuana usage could become legal. In the beginning of July, with the help of Delaware Cannabis Advocacy Network, legalization of marijuana bill passed the committee test which was a big step forward.

Wyoming and Mississippi

There were some signs that Wyoming and Mississippi could be next great candidates where marijuana could be accepted. But, in Wyoming, a group working on marijuana legalization failed two times to collect 25673 signatures to put this problem on the ballot. In Mississippi, there are some actions that encourage supporters of marijuana legalization to believe that their actions will germ in next coming year.

Other States

Beside states that are mentioned above, and which made the biggest effort to achieve the goal, we can’t forget to mention that Maryland, Arizona, Texas, New York, Missouri, Hawaii, Connecticut, Kentucky, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico and Washington D.C. also make a big effort for the same goal. In all of those states there are many initiatives which prod reformation of cannabis law. There are still many hurdles to be overcome. Other states are still at the level of debates on this topic.

There’s a general opinion that in states which could start with initiative in future, the process of recreational marijuana legalization could be easier and shorter that it was in states which were trailblazers. As many states already made recreational marijuana legal, as easier other states would propel different initiatives which could take actions to rearrange states’ laws.